Sunday, February 26, 2006

Yes, I know it's been months. My life has felt very much like that movie Sliding Doors lately--like I got on the wrong train by accident and everything has just been, well, WRONG since then.

Sparkle died on Monday. Poor thing had an enormous tumor that had taken over her entire abdomen and she never let on anything was wrong until it was way too late. Isis has been quiet and confused all week, which is awfully sad.

Finally getting over this vile disease that's wiped me out for the past two weeks. Have even been able to ease back into doing some yoga. Anything more strenuous causes explosive coughing fits.

Today was a very library day. Our student chapter of SAA toured the Prelinger Library in SF this morning which was very cool. They have a stunning collection of stuff on mid-twentieth century culture including ephemera and magazines. I love their approach to arragement, too. The whole place is set up to inspire browsing and accidental discovery.

Was forced to get back into the cataloging brain when I got home, and was rewarded with this nugget from AARC2:

21.26 Spirit Communications
Enter a communication presented as having been received from a spirit under the heading for the spirit (see 22.14). Make an added entry under the heading for the medium or other person recording the communication.

Yes, I am learning how to catalog otherworldly communications. I love library school.