Tuesday, December 04, 2007

First my driver's-side headlight went out. Then my furnace broke. I got the headlight fixed this morning, after Rebekah and I went down to the parking lot yesterday and fiddled around with it ourselves and only succeeded in detatching the wires. I'm in less of a hurry about the furnace since it hasn't gotten colder than 58 in the apartment and I don't mind being a little on the chilly side. During the day it heats up to about 66 anyway, so I've just been running the space heater (the one that looks like a deranged fencer's head poking up through the floor) for a little while in the evenings. That's hardly energy efficient, though, so I guess I need to call maintenance.

Was in a used bookstore over the weekend flipping through their old cross stitch and knitting mags and found this knitting leaflet from 1972 (click for up-close detail, if you dare):

Where to begin? The hair? The "tans?" The shiny pants? The silky neck scarves? Maybe it's because I live near San Francisco, but this leaflet seems to be some kind of early example of soft core gay porn... from the knitting section.
