Thursday, July 07, 2005

We're being overrun with spiders of all varieties. Yesterday morning I saw four between getting up and leaving for work, and my mother tells me she found a black widow behind the knife block next to the stove. (I'll give my mom the benefit of the doubt on this one since the stove is right by the window under which is the log carrier where a black widow has been living for several weeks.) Apparently the cool, windy weather that's been keeping the yellowjackets away is great for spiders.

I park under a tree at work and when leaving the other day noticed a tiny brown spider clinging for dear life to the beginnings of a web it had begun on my passenger side mirror. When I stopped at the light, it skittered around behind the glass. I forgot about it for a couple of days until starting up the car one morning, I saw it had woven an incredibly intricate web between the mirror and the door frame. Since I hardly ever have passengers in my car, and he does not seem at all bothered by my opening and closing the door, I guess I'll leave him alone until he decides to move on or blows off.