Monday, July 11, 2005

We're entering our fourth week of Dialog in my Online Searching class and many of our brains are going squishy. (The class is not, as it might sound, all about fooling around with Google.) I'm extremely grateful to my instructor last semester who made Dialog available to us to play aroud with a bit so all of this is not completely new territory. It's like learning to speak a new language so some extent. I'm also glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is dreaming about search strings.

We had two assignments due yesterday because of the holiday. One was much more complicated that the other, but you can't help feeling while you're doing it that it's suspiciously simple and so you must be doing something completely wrong. Doing the weekly assignments is such a switch from the usual parade of papers that I feel off-balance anyway. Speaking of papers, I guess I need to start thinking harder about my paper for this class since it's due in a month.

Last week we were assigned the Marcia Bates berrypicking article again, along with her fallacy article which I hadn't read before. Always happy to read anything by Bates. As Dennis says, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"