Spending the day fighting to stay awake while reading about digital metadata (data about data), not the most thrilling of information science topics. My phone is also ringing off the hook today with election-related and survey calls. Never before have so many people been so interested in my opinion on such a wide array of subjects.
The practicum at AAMLO is going well. On Friday one of the other students was processing a small collection of papers belonging to the first black Oakland public school teacher, Ida Jackson. Jenny opened the final box and found an old electric waffle iron. Why the folks who donated Ida's stuff felt the waffle iron was an important artifact, the world may never know.
Tuesday I head out to New York for yet another press tour. I'm thinking of renegotiating my contract so I get paid by the mile.
Current reading (other than long articles about Dublin Core): Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler and Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammet
Current viewing: Charmed Season 3