Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Last night's Hell's Kitchen was f-----' awesome. Bawling Bonnie needs to go pronto, followed closely by that one with all the hair all over the place like Cousin Itt. It's highly amusing that these two, who spent so much time putting down the Waffle House chef for her alleged lack of skills, are now getting to enjoy the full force of Ramsay wrath for their lack of skills. The way they keep flirting with GR is really nauseating, too. They seem fairly unclear on the concept of a restaurant; doesn't matter how cute you are if the food never gets to the customers. The entire competition seems to have come down to two people at this point: Julia and Rock, the only ones there who appear capable of running anything.

In other news, I can't find Koosh. When I got home last night she came out from under my bed where she'd apparently been sleeping all day after her ordeal at the vet. I tried to give her some tuna, which she refused(!) and she headed out into the backyard. That was the last I saw of her. Hopefully she's just freaked out and hiding under a bush somewhere. Complicating matters is this event in New York plus the ceiling scraping/painting project in the house. I'm supposed to take both Isis and Koosh to the boarding place tonight because I have to leave tomorrow morning. Life just doesn't get much more fun than this.

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