Monday, August 06, 2007

I finally got to watch last Monday's Hell's Kitchen yesterday, and I'm really pissed off that Bonnie was chosen to stay over Jen. While Jen is probably not ready to run a kitchen on her own, Bonnie is a spoiled little brat who I seriously doubt could supervise a Burger King.

There's an interesting little blog fight going on over at Bravo's Top Chef site between Tony Bourdain and Rocco Dispirito. Rocco actually takes the edge in this one.

In a little burst of stress relieving compulsive shopping I've bought a bunch of games for my Nintendo DS: Puzzle Quest, Chocobo Tales, Trauma Center and an old Harvest Moon game. I also picked up Cooking Mama for the Wii (we're handling the mobile version, so it's research) and Exit for PSP (also research). I'm playing Puzzle Quest, and while I like the Bejeweled style of puzzle combat, it's getting a little repetitive and boring.

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