In the home stretch of grad school. This semester is all about preparing an e-portfolio that satisfies 14 professional competencies (replaces the gawdawful papers they used to make everyone write). Next week I also start an internship at the Chabot Space & Science Center, digitizing their collection of over 1,000 glass plate dry collodion negatives from several eclipse expeditions in the 1890's. Cool stuff.
Dabbler's Notebook
I'm just interested in way too much stuff.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
A cunning law of nature dictates that if a smoke detector is to go off due to a cobweb or speck of dust, it will occur between the hours of 1 and 3 a.m. The one outside my bedroom door erupted at exactly 1.08. Luckily I had earplugs within reach (which means, I guess, that I should thank the nitwit kid next door who decided to have a raucous party on Saturday night), so I was able to get at the smoke detector with a Swiffer duster and a can of compressed air without my eardrums actually bursting. Of course, after it's all over your nerves are so jangled there's not a chance in hell of ever getting back to sleep, no matter how tired you are.
Best Show on TV: Dirty Jobs