Sunday, March 15, 2009

Driving in San Ramon is becoming hazardous; we're overrun (overwaddled?) with Canada geese who frequently wander out into the streets, and gaggles of wild turkeys are beginning to show up as well, especially around the corner of Alcosta and Crow Canyon.

The mini quiches (mini omelet cups, really) turned out well, though Lucky didn't have a great selection of sausage and I wasn't thrilled with the patties I ended up getting (Banquet?) so will try a different type next time. I don't have a microwave but they reheat reasonably fast in the toaster oven.

For dinner last night I made a pot of super-simple avgolemono soup which will last through tomorrow. I made this week's batch of hummus with black beans instead of garbanzo and had that on naan with the soup. Nice and comforting on a chilly weekend.
