Friday, March 06, 2009

I freely admit to watching a lot of trashy tv, but can't understand why anyone continues to watch The Bachelor, even before the latest kerfuffle. The show has resulted in exactly zero marriages and only two reported engagements to date, giving them a batting average of .167 which is bad even in baseball. (If you add in stats from The Bachelorette with its one marriage, the franchise's slugging percentage does actually go up to .625 because you have to also figure in the two engagements which I equate to triples for the purposes of this calculation. But still.)

In real life, if some guy decided to go out with 25 women over the course of three months (I'm not sure how long they film each series) and whittle them down to the one to whom he'll propose, his friends and family--and certainly the friends and family of the chosen woman--would all raise holy hell over the idiocy of it all. Yet because it's on tv, we expect it to work?

Apparently I'm the only person watching Running in Heels on Style. It's another bitchy-interns-at-the-fashion-mag show, but this one actually spends a lot of time with the editors of Marie Claire so it's way more interesting. Editor-in-chief Joanna Coles is quite funny and has an endearing lack of confidence that makes her seem more human.

This week I'm still working on eating out of the pantry and freezer, but did make up a big pot of kitchuri from a Veggie Times recipe since I'm really bored with Cathy's version. Comforting, filling, low cal, low sodium, and cheap.

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